80s toys - Atari. I still have
OPDA has stopped provide free cert and key for Symbian mobiles and it is difficult to hack Symbian mobiles for free by using unsigned HelloOx .
But forget about HelloOx here is thevery easy and 100% hacking method for all Symbian mobiles like Nokia N8, Nokia E71, Nokia E51, Nokia E6, Nokia N73, Nokia E61, Sony Ericsson Satio and all other Symbian mobiles which need hack.

Here are the Step by Step method to hack your mobile.

To hack your Symbian mobile you need to access 'private' folder of your memory card(if your mobile has external memory card) or
hard disk(or something else in your phone except 'C' drive of your phone like N95 8gb, N8 etc.)

0. Download HACK TOOL From (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?cfut0a866p0il26)
Hacking package is in .rar extension

1. Now extract it, you'll get these files after extracting
:installserver all Symbian mobiles
:folder named '20024113'

2. Connect your memory card with PC(using card reader) or if your handset has Inbuilt memory like N95 8gb then use data cable to connect it with PC and select mass storage(or data transfer)mode.You don't need PC suite for doing this.

3. Open the 'private' folder of you memory card if you can't see that then enable 'show hidden files and folder' in your PC.
If you have no idea for doing this then (In Windows XP-sp3)open My Computer-click tools (appears at topof the left side)-click folder
options -click view (appear in top ofpopup windows)_ click 'show hidden files and folders (appears in 11th row)-after click on Apply and then click Ok(appears in bottom of the pop up windows)
Now click on memory card you can see the folder named'private' click on it.

4. Copy the folder named '20024113' what you've got after extracting the downloaded Hacking tools.
and paste it into 'private' folder.

5. Now disconnect(safely)your memory card or phone from PC.
:drweb-600-symbian-s60.sis in yourmemory card(or HArddisk of your phone not in 'C' drive)
:Open it dilouge box will be appear to get keys click 'cancel'.
:press options and click on 'Quarantine'
:press options-select all-then cilck restore.there'll be no data after restore.
6. Now install
:RomPatcherPlus_3.1_Lite.sisx(in phone memory 'C' drive)
:open it-click options-click All patches_click apply_ agin click options and click add to auto(both 2 files)
:then exit it

7. Restart you phone
Now your Symbian phone is hackedand you can install any cracked or certificate expired applications without any problem. You can also access your 'sys','private' folder.
If again you can't install your favorite cracked apps then don't worry you need to do one more thing. open the folder 'installserver all symbian mobiles'( what you've got before)
Click 'read this' and extract the accurate 'install server' for your mobile.
copy 'installserver.exe' and paste it to 'C/sys/bin' (For doing that you can use 'explore' or any other file manager.
If you don't have that then download it from (http://www.lonelycatgames.com/?app=xplore&page=download&platform=symbian) .
Now restart your mobile and your Symbian mobile is fully hacked.
your 'installserver.exe' file is alreadyhacked so don't apply it and add to auto(in rompatcher).
Now you can remove Dr.web antivirus.
Enjoy it and share it with your friends.
If you face any problems then ask us.